Upcoming Events
Casual Crafters
Create a crafting community! Bring your current project or start a new one, use available library craft supplies, and meet other crafters. No registration necessary.
Casual Crafters
Create a crafting community! Bring your current project or start a new one, use available library craft supplies, and meet other crafters. No registration necessary.
Casual Crafters
Must Be 12 or Older
This program is specifically geared toward teens and adults. Must be twelve years or older to attend.
No Registration Required
No Registration Required
Casual Crafters
Must Be 12 or Older
This program is specifically geared toward teens and adults. Must be twelve years or older to attend.
No Registration Required
No Registration Required
Casual Crafters
Must Be 12 or Older
This program is specifically geared toward teens and adults. Must be twelve years or older to attend.
No Registration Required
No Registration Required
Help Us Make Something Beautiful!
Crochet a granny square inspired by a book you read in 2025 and we'll turn it into a beautiful blanket!
Here's how to participate:
- Create a 5-round (5-6 inch) granny square using 4-5 weight yarn and a 4-6 mm hook. Multiple submissions welcome!
- Snap a shot of your square (and the book!) and email it to kweiland@hedbergpubliclibrary.org or post it on social media. Don't forget to tag HPL!
- Fill out the Community Book Blanket form* and bring your square(s) to the library. Don't forget to tell us what book(s) inspired you!
*Download PDF of the form here OR grab one when you bring us your square.
Don't know how to crochet or you're short on supplies?
Drop in to our monthly crafting program for help! See our list of Upcoming Events for the next Casual Crafters.
Book Blanket Updates
Build Something Beautiful with Us
Do you love to crochet? Do you love to read?
If you answered yes to either of those questions - we need your help!
Bookish Granny Square Examples
Check out some of our staff-created granny squares, inspired by titles from our monthly Book Clubs!