Build Something Beautiful with Us

Do you love to crochet? Do you love to read?

If you answered yes to either of those questions - we need your help!

HPL is creating a Community Book Blanket comprised of crocheted granny squares inspired by book covers YOU'VE read in 2025. The HPL Community Book Blanket will be on display in the library for the year 2026 for all to enjoy and learn about the variety of books our community reads!

All squares are due November 29, 2025. The finished blanket will be unveiled in January 2026. Watch the library's website and social media for details on the blanket's progress and unveiling date.

Want to participate? 
  • Create a 5-round (5-6 inch) granny square using 4-5 weight yarn and a 4-6mm hook.* Multiple submissions welcome!
  • Snap a shot of your square (and the book!) to post on social media. Don't forget to tag HPL!
  • Fill out the Community Book Blanket form and bring your square(s) to the library. Don't forget to tell us what book(s) inspired you!
Granny Square Examples

*If your granny square does not meet these requirements, we will make every attempt to return the granny square. Please include your name and a contact method if you would like your square back in the event it cannot be accepted. All unclaimed squares will be kept until February 2026.