Hedberg Public Library cards may be used at the 29 libraries that are members of the Prairie Lakes Library System (PLLS). Cards issued from any PLLS library may also be used at HPL.
Loans, Limits & Fees
There is no limit to the number of items that can be checked out at one time, except for the following:
- 3 video games
- Standard loan period - 3 weeks
- DVDs, video games, Lucky Day - 1 week
- TV on DVD - 2 weeks
- Interlibrary loan (ILL) lending period varies; determined by lending library
- Book Club in a Bag - 28 days
Hedberg Public Library is FINES FREE!
HPL cardholders are not charged for overdue materials as long as they are returned to the library. There will still be charges for lost or unreturned items.
Q: Why have we removed late fines?
A. Removing fines is a way to provide greater access for our residents. We believe that no one should be denied use of the library or its collection because of an inability to pay. It has not been proven that fines bring materials back faster. Instead, they create a negative impact on the community, sometimes even blocking access for people who need our resources the most. We expect that removing the barrier of late fines will actually increase library use.
Q. Won’t the library suffer financially without late fines?
A. No. Revenue from library late fines is equal to less than half of 1% of our operating budget. Patrons who still wish to support the library financially are welcome to donate to either the Friends of HPL or the HPL Foundation.
Q. Does this mean I can keep items for as long as I want?
A. No. Our current loan periods still apply. Library users will still be charged replacement costs for items that are lost or damaged. If an item is not returned or renewed within 30 days of the due date, the item will be considered lost, and a replacement charge will be added to your library account. Your library card will be blocked from checking out additional items until the charges are paid or the items are returned.
Q. Do items have to be checked out on an HPL card to be fines free?
A. No. You may use any library card within the Prairie Lakes Library system and your checkouts will be fines free when used at HPL.
Q. Are there any materials or items that will still accrue fines?
A. No. If you check out items at HPL there will be no charges as long as items are returned. However, if you check out material at another library that still charges fines, you will be responsible for those charges.
Q. Do items checked out from other libraries using an HPL card accrue fines?
A. Yes. If you check out materials at another library that still charges overdue fines, you will be responsible for those charges. Items checked out at HPL, even if it’s from another library, will not accrue fines.
Q. What if I have existing fines on my library account?
A. If you are an HPL cardholder, any old fines have been cleared from your account. If you have replacement fees, those will still be visible and will need to be paid.
Q. Will I still have to pay for lost or unreturned items?
A. Yes. If a library item is overdue for more than 30 days, it will be considered lost, and a replacement cost will be charged to your account. In addition, if a part is missing from an item when it is returned, you may still be charged for that item. You may also see processing charges from other libraries. Charges will be cleared from your account when the materials are returned.

Return Materials
Returning library materials from any Prairie Lakes Library System library is easy and convenient. Materials may be returned at the Main Branch, HPL Express, or use the drop box at the south end of the Main Branch’s covered parking lot. It's available 24/7.
- Kwik Trip 2822 E. Milwaukee St.
- Blackhawk Community Credit Union 2640 W. Court St.
- Woodman's Food Market 2819 N. Lexington Dr.
- Rock County Resource Center 1717 Center Ave.
Renew Materials
Most materials may be renewed three times. Items labeled "New" may be renewed only once.
The following items may not be renewed:
- Materials for which others have placed holds
- Children's holiday material
- Lucky Day items
- Materials on loan from other libraries*
- Teacher's big books
- Book Club in a Bag
*It's possible these items may be renewed, but a phone call to 608-758-6600 prior to due date is required.
- At the Catalog Computers in the library
- At the Checkout Desk or Children's Desk
- By calling the library at 608-758-6600.
- By visiting your online account
Telephone or e-mail notices inform patrons of overdue items. NOTE: Telephone notices will appear on the caller ID as "Lakeshores Library System." Notices are mailed to patrons who cannot be reached by e-mail or phone.
Reserve Materials
Holds may be placed on titles listed in the library's computer catalog that are checked out and not currently available. You may have up to 35 holds at any given time and can place your own holds at any public terminal or by visiting your online account. You may designate where you would like to pick up your hold–the Main Branch (316 S. Main) or HPL Express. Notification of holds ready for pickup is made by phone or e-mail. Sign up for notices at Checkout. A notice is mailed to patrons who cannot be reached by phone or e-mail. To preserve patron confidentiality, the phone call does not list the particular item on hold.
Picking Up Holds
Once available, holds can be found on the Self Pick-Up Holds shelf located near the Checkout Desk. To find your holds, please look for your Hold I.D., which is the first three letters of your last name and the last four digits of your library card barcode number. For example, if Ima Patron's card number ends in 5555, her Hold I.D. would be PAT5555.
Please note: you must bring your library card (or the card that placed the hold) with you in order to check out your reserved item. Transferring holds to another card is not possible. Reserved HPL items will be held for ten days (hold time for items reserved from other Prairie Lakes Library System libraries varies by library). You may cancel holds or delay notifications by making them inactive on any library catalog computer or by visiting your online account.