The Hedberg Public Library would like to thank the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for South Asia for providing us with a grant to expand our collection of digital read-alongs to include chapter books. The collection, which features print copies of a book with a digital player inside that reads the book to you, began with only picture books available. A little less than two years ago, the library was able to add easy readers to the collection. These are the books meant for kids learning to read, and having a book option where they can follow along with someone reading to them is invaluable to the learning experience. Our newest goal then has been to add chapter books to our digital read-along collection to continue to provide this learning experience to kids as they grow their reading skills.
In January of this year, we were thrilled to learn that we received a grant from the Center for South Asia to finally make that goal reality. With the funds provided, we were able to add 15 new read-along titles to the collection, 10 of them being chapter books. The chapter books represent multiple genres, including fantasy, historical fiction, and even a graphic novel, and the main characters in all the books are of South Asian descent. We can't wait to add more chapter books as we continue to grow this amazing collection. Come check out a digital read-along!!