Policy Type
September 2007
The Hedberg Public Library welcomes visits from community groups. Groups visiting the library are asked to observe the following guidelines:
- Groups, particularly those requesting tours or special services, are encouraged to call ahead so that the library can be prepared to make the visit a positive experience for all group members.
- For the safety and comfort of all patrons using the library, groups with members needing supervision are solely responsible for that supervision; library staff cannot assume responsibility for any members of a group.
- Members of groups visiting the library are subject to the Hedberg Public Library Public Code of Behavior.
If problems occur, the person in charge or a department head will review this policy with the individual responsible for the group. Inappropriate behavior exhibited by the group will be pointed out, if necessary. An incident report will be filed to document the inappropriate behavior. If inappropriate behavior continues, the library director will contact the appropriate agency.
Repeated difficult situations may result in the library director, in consultation with the library management team, suspending a group’s visiting privileges.