'Tis the Season for Grant Searching!

It's giving season and with that there is also plenty of charitable giving.

This is the time of year where many local nonprofits receive private donations, but it's often time for grants. Grant searching has always been a lengthy, frustrating process. Originally, one would flip through a huge directory for hours searching for grants, but now that directory is online, searchable, and easy to use. At HPL, we are one of only three libraries in the state that is a Funding Information Network (FIN) Partner to Foundation Directory by Candid. Foundation Directory can only be accessed here in the library, but it offers a powerful, comprehensive database that can lead you down data rabbit holes. Because there is so much to learn from it, I frequently meet with staff or volunteers at local nonprofits, and I offer individualized grant searching appointments in the library twice a year. 

During these individualized appointments, we go over the tips, tricks, and best methods for searching using Foundation Directory, and then narrow down prospective Grantmakers. These appointments also give me a chance to learn more about local nonprofits, the people who work to build and sustain them, and what their goals are for the future. If you didn't get a chance to book an appointment this last November, the next set of appointments is the week of March 4th. Register online, at the library, or call 608-758-6600 beginning February 5. If that week doesn't work for you, please feel free to schedule an appointment. I'm happy to go over this great resource outside of regular appointment times.

Happy grant searching! 

-Kasey Weiland, Public Services Librarian

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