A Message from the Interim Director

"The public library is where place and possibility meet."

- Stuart Dybek

I like this quote because the library is possibilities. We encourage the aspiring writers who devour our current novels and attend writing classes and programs and the young entrepreneurs seeking information from databases and classes on how to launch their business. We assist the recently unemployed individual using our computers to fill out job applications, and welcome new parents learning how to build early literacy skills for their children through picture books and tips at our storytimes. We provide a space, a collection, programs, and services open to anyone and everyone.

We know things are tough right now for many. Rising costs, housing challenges, financial instability, and general uncertainty in the world are common stressors. We took some extra time this year to review community assessments and other resources to better understand the needs of our residents and determine where library efforts can make the most impact. For 2024, we identified two audiences and areas of focus: people experiencing financial hardship and folks building life skills.

HPL is already making a concerted effort to promote our services for those needing life skills or trying to address money challenges. We partner with agencies such as ADRC, Second Harvest, Healthcare for Homeless Veterans, Project 16:49, and others which have periodic office hours in our study rooms. We offer MyChart training, social media misinformation and safety programs, and computer and job-hunting programs at GIFTS Men’s Shelter. We partner with Faith Literacy and YWCA on citizenship and English Language Learning materials and classes, work with P4J and HeadStart on early literacy efforts, and provide inspirational memoirs and self-help books. The Library coordinates clothing exchange events, collaborates with ECHO and individual donors to provide essential hygiene, food, and clothing items for those in need, and serves as a safe-place warming and cooling center.

We will continue to explore ways to serve these audiences using library resources. Whether it’s our bookmobile, programs like our Hedberg Hangout, or a new and exciting initiative called Healthy at Hedberg, our vision for the upcoming year is focused on meeting essential community needs.

The library will still have storytimes at our main location and the Express Branch and host booktalks, still provide programs of interest, and purchase titles ranging from bestsellers to the esoteric. We will still be here to answer informational questions and help you find that right book to read or listen to. The Hedberg Public Library is here to help you discover and grow. The possibilities are endless.

-Charles Teval, Interim Director

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