Celebrate International Grant Professionals Day this March by learning about what Foundation Directory can do for you!
At HPL, we are one of only three libraries in the state that is a Funding Information Network (FIN) Partner to Foundation Directory by Candid, an online database of grants available to nonprofits.
During individualized appointments, the week of March 4-8, we will go over the tips, tricks, and best methods for searching using Foundation Directory, and then narrow down prospective Grantmakers. These appointments also give me a chance to learn more about local nonprofits, the people who work to build and sustain them, and what their goals are for the future.
To make an appointment, pick a timeslot that works best for you, click here to see the available dates and times, then register. To register, I'll need to know your name, contact information, and which Nonprofit you work for so I can personalize your demo of Foundation Directory. If you are bringing someone who you work with to the appointment, click on add person, you can bring up to two additional people with you.
If you would like to sign up for an appointment but the dates and times offered won't work for you, please reach out to make an appointment request for another time.
-Kasey Weiland, Public Services Librarian