Happy Birthday, Jamila and Spotty!

Julie Westby, Youth Services Librarian

The Children's Room giraffes, Jamila and Spotty, are celebrating a milestone at Hedberg Public Library.  They both arrived 20 years ago this fall.

Jamila arrived on Friday, October 29, 2004.  She was escorted into the building by then Head of Youth Services, Cathy Norris.  Jamila was named through a contest with library staff and her name means "beautiful" in Swahili, Somali and Arabic.

Spotty arrived on Tuesday, December 28, 2004.  Children's Room staff held a "Name the Baby Contest" in February of 2005 to name the baby giraffe.  424 name ideas were submitted.  The winning name of Spotty was submitted by 13 children who each received a small stuffed giraffe.

Both Jamila and Spotty are Steiff giraffes and came from the Steiff Company in Giengen, Germany.

Thank you to the Arreazola family and friends whose generous donations made the purchase of the giraffes possible.

Be sure to stop in and wish Jamila and Spotty a "Happy Birthday!"

Photos of Jamila the Giraffe Arriving at Hedberg Public Library

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