A704b Statements of Concern About Library Resources

Policy Type

Last updated: August 2023 

The role of Hedberg Public Library (HPL) is to provide opportunities that will allow individuals to freely examine and/or utilize resources in accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement. While patrons are free to reject for themselves what they do not approve of, they cannot exercise this right of censorship to restrict the freedom of access to others. 

The HPL Board and Director are aware that patrons may take issue with the inclusion of specific resources, and they welcome the expression of concern by patrons. Patron concerns will be dealt with promptly and courteously as addressed in the following process. 

Concerned patrons are encouraged to contact the Library Director or Assistant Director to arrange to discuss these issues. Should that discussion prove unfeasible or fail to address the patron’s concerns, they may complete and submit a Statement of Concern about Library Resources form, available from the Library Director. The person requesting the discussion with the director or submitting the Statement of Concern must be a resident of the Hedberg Public Library’s service area, which is the City of Janesville and adjoining townships, including La Prairie, Rock, Janesville, Harmony, and a small portion of southern Milton township. 

The Library will consider only one Statement of Concern at a time. Each Statement of Concern may only address one resource concern or request. For example, one title, one author, one program, one program series, or one exhibit/display. Once a concern has been reviewed and a decision made by the Director or the Board upon appeal, four years must pass before that particular concern will be eligible for review again. 

  • After receipt of a Statement of Concern form, the Library Director will inform the Library Board President and form a committee. The director will inform the patron of the estimated timeline for response. 
  • The committee will review the resource in question according to applicable policy, consider the patron statement, and send a recommended response to the Director. 
  • During the review process, the material will remain accessible, the program, display, policy or event will not be cancelled. 
  • The Director will inform the patron of the decision in a written response and inform the Library Board President. 
  • If the patron is not satisfied with the response and decision, they may appeal to the HPL Board.
    • Any appeal must be received by the Director in writing within 14 days of the date of the decision. 
    • The HPL board will review the Director’s decision to ensure that it is according to policy and approve or reject the recommendation at a regularly scheduled board meeting. 
    • Please note this board meeting will be conducted in open session and the Statement of Concern form will be made public. 
    • The decision of the HPL board is final. 
    • The director will respond to the patron in writing with the board’s decision. 
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