A201b Materials Circulation

Policy Type

Last updated: August 2024


Any resident of the City of Janesville or the State of Wisconsin, or any person owning property in the City of Janesville or the State of Wisconsin on which taxes are paid, and his or her dependents, is eligible to borrow materials from the library upon the issuance of a borrower's card.


A borrower's card entitles the holder to borrow any item in the library's circulating collection and to use other library services, such as interlibrary loan and online databases. However, if a borrower has incurred fees or other financial obligations to the library, that person may be restricted from borrowing library materials until the fees or other obligations have been cleared.

Any use of a borrower's card by a person other than the one to whom the card was issued, whether authorized or unauthorized, remains the responsibility of the person to whom the card was issued.

The library director may establish limits on items that can be checked out on a borrower’s card. The library director shall establish procedures that allow the revocation of any or all privileges from users who misuse their cards.


Applicants for borrower's cards must present acceptable identification when applying for a borrower's card for themselves or their children under the age of 18. 

Acceptable identification includes: 

  • Current state issued driver's license or ID; 
  • Current Passport; 
  • Mexican Matricular (Mexican Federal ID)

Library card applicants must also supply a verifiable street address. Acceptable proof may be on documents or virtual accounts like: 

  • Current state issued driver's license or ID 
  • Current bank checking or savings account 
  • Current Wisconsin property rental agreement or lease 
  • Current utilities accounts 

Applicants for special cards, such as those listed below, may be asked to present proof of eligibility. This proof will include, but not be limited to, a business or school ID, a letter from the business, school, or district in which they are employed, licensure as a home daycare provider or daycare center, or certification of homeschooling. Their personal HPL card, if any, must be in good standing.


Applicants for a borrower's card must sign the application form, which includes a statement of responsibility for materials borrowed, and must also sign the borrower's card. 


Hedberg Public Library Cards expire every two years. Expired cards can be reinstated when the holder confirms accuracy or provides updated contact information. Cards not used for more than three years are subject to being purged. If the card is purged, the borrower may complete a new application form and will be issued a new borrower's card at no charge.

Cards issued to children under the age of 18 will expire automatically on their eighteenth (18th) birthday but can be reinstated with the confirmation of contact information or when updated information is provided. The guardian’s name is removed, and the holder assumes financial responsibility for the account.


The patron must notify the library that his or her library card has been lost or stolen. The cardholder is responsible for any use made of the card prior to its being reported lost to the library. Charges resulting from unauthorized use of a lost or stolen card may be reduced if the library is notified within one week of receipt of the second overdue notice.


Others who are eligible to borrow materials from the library and other categories of borrower’s cards:

1. Out of State Fee Cards 

A borrower residing outside the State of Wisconsin will pay for a Fee Card. Such a card will entitle them to full borrowing privileges at HPL for one year. Patrons who request a fee card must pay the amount set annually by the Board. Fee cards are also available for a three-month period for a portion of the annual cost, set by the board at the same time. The fee takes into consideration HPL's average cost per capita. A teacher living outside of Wisconsin or who teaches in Wisconsin will not be required to hold this card before holding a Teacher Loan Card (see below).

2. Business Cards 

Any organization, for-profit or not-for-profit, operating within the Library System service area may apply for a Business Card. Applications for such cards must be made by an authorized officer of the organization who assumes full financial responsibility for all materials borrowed and all fees on the card. Business Card holders are eligible for the same access to library services and materials as all other card types.

3. Teacher Loan Cards

Any teacher, media specialist, or school administrator in any public or private K-12 school, preschool, home school, or licensed daycare center living or working within the Library System service area may apply for a Teacher Loan Card. The purpose of these cards is to facilitate easy access to library materials and online databases for teachers, media specialists, and school administrators. Materials circulate to teachers for 6 weeks (with one renewal allowed). If materials are lost or damaged, the individual holding the card will be held responsible.

4. Cards for minors: General, Juvenile, No-Net, and Youth Cards 

The parent, stepparent, or legal guardian must be present with the child, sign a responsibility statement, provide acceptable identification, and be financially responsible for all fees incurred on the account.

  • “General” – Minor has full access to collections and services. 
  • “Juvenile” – borrowing is restricted to Juvenile and Young Adult collections materials.
  • “No-Net” – Parent or guardian opts out of computer/internet access for their child’s account.
  • “Net-Only” – Parent or guardian opts in only for computer/internet access for their child’s account.
  • “Youth” – If a legal guardian is not available to sign for a minor’s card, the library may issue a Youth card to the child. Borrowing is restricted to no more than three (3) print-format items from the Youth Services and Young Adult collections. No fines or fees accrue on this account. The card includes internet access.

5. Restricted Card 

Library staff may issue a temporary Restricted Card for borrowing three (3) items. Fees for lost materials will accrue to this card in the same way they do to a regular library card. By providing appropriate proof of address, this card can be granted full borrowing privileges.

6. Students living temporarily within the Library System service area (e.g., foreign exchange students, group home residents, and missionaries) may be issued a regular library card from Hedberg Public Library for the duration of their stay upon verification of both a temporary (local) and permanent address. Students under the age of 18 must be present and accompanied by a guardian or responsible adult. Holders of these library cards are entitled to the same borrowing privileges as permanent residents.


Hedberg Public Library loans materials from its collection, library system, and other libraries in the United States. Loan periods vary according to the type of materials being borrowed and, in some cases, the category of patron borrowing them. Most items may be renewed three times. Library staff may extend loan periods in some situations if it does not inconvenience other library users or if it is not on hold for another library user.

The Library Director or Head of Access Services, with input from staff, may limit the number of items a cardholder may check out at one time.


DVDs, Blu-Ray, video games, Lucky Day items - 1 week

TV shows on DVD - 2 weeks

Books, circulating magazines, pamphlets, maps, audiobooks, music CDs, non-fiction DVDs, Book Club in a bag, kits, toys, games, holiday materials - 3 weeks

Book club items - 4 weeks



Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - Various loan periods

Materials for Hedberg @ Home patrons - 28 days for most materials which includes delivery and pick-up time

Extension Sites - 35 days for most materials which includes delivery
and pick-up time 

Materials for Teacher Card Holders - 42 days for most materials except feature film DVDs


Replacement borrower’s card - $1.00
Fee card - $100/year fee, $25 may be paid quarterly
Service charge for lost/replacement Interlibrary loan items - $5.00
Service charge for processing materials - $5.00 maximum
Service charge for processing checks returned for non-sufficient funds - $25.00
Replacement charges for lost materials or materials damaged beyond repair - Stated cost of item


Most HPL items may be renewed three times for a loan period equal to the length of the original loan period. “New materials” may be renewed once. Items on hold for another patron cannot be renewed. “Lucky Day” materials cannot be renewed.


Materials are obtained from other libraries for our patrons' use. The library from which the material was borrowed sets the loan period. HPL subtracts travel time from the loan period and sets the item due date. Materials borrowed via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) are renewable only if the lending library agrees to extend the loan period. ILL staff must be contacted with renewal requests before the item's due date.

If the patron fails to return materials borrowed via Interlibrary Loan, HPL receives a bill from the lending library. These costs are passed along with an HPL handling charge to the patron.


As part of the SHARE Consortium, HPL may collect late fees for other consortium libraries. Libraries collecting late fees will keep the money collected no matter who owns or circulated the materials.

Patrons may return HPL materials to any SHARE library or libraries in systems having reciprocal borrowing agreements with SHARE.

Payments for lost materials from other SHARE libraries will be accepted at HPL. Payments over $10 will be reimbursed to the owning library


  • Phone - An automated telephone notice which leaves a message that a patron has overdue item(s) - message does not provide title information.
  • Text – a message is sent via SMS messaging.
  • Email - Notification to a patron-provided email address with overdue and title information.
  • Mail - Notice is sent to patron by surface mail with title information.
  • Telephone - For special circumstances, staff will call patrons directly.

Patrons are asked to indicate their preferred notification method at registration. For cost-savings and timeliness, the default for notification is email if the patron gives his/her address, text if SMS service provider is given or by phone call.


Courtesy notices are sent one or two days before items are due if patrons use email or text notifications.

First notices are sent 7-10 days after the due date. First notices are sent by text, phone or email.

Second notices are sent by the same method two weeks after the first notice.

Bills for the replacement cost of the item are sent when an item is 30 days overdue. The bill states that patrons who owe more than $50 may be sent to Collections.

Seven days after the bill notice, patrons who owe more than $50 are referred to Collections, unless they contact the library and make payment arrangements.

Patrons who have received overdue notices for material that they feel certain has been returned can contact the library to discuss this matter. Staff will decide whether to forgive or pursue the return of these items. If forgiven, the item is removed from the patron’s account, and no further notices are generated.


Materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan and/or the Reference Department require special notification procedures due to the high demand for these items. Patrons are contacted no later than the second day an item becomes overdue. In the event patrons have not responded to the first contact, a second contact is made.


Patrons who have not responded to lost material notices may be referred to the City Attorney for collection through small claims court or to a materials recovery service (collection agency). The patron shall be held responsible for all court costs or fees charged for the materials recovery service, HPL fees, and service charges in addition to the cost of materials not returned. Notification of referral is done by the materials recovery service by phone, email, and surface mail at their discretion.

The police may be asked to become involved in the retrieval of any material of great value if a patron has not responded to overdue notices and gives no indication of plans to return such materials.

NOTE: Regardless of the statute of limitations (6 years), an attempt may be made to collect outstanding fees or materials at any time – though not through referral or court action. Borrowing privileges can be denied until the account is cleared.


When Bankruptcy is filed in district court by the patron, the library is notified, and all charges and consequences are suspended until the final notice. Patron may resume borrowing.

Upon receipt of a “Discharge” notice from the US Bankruptcy Court, all fines and fees are cleared from the patron’s record and the patron can begin to checkout materials.

Upon receipt of a “Dismissal” notice, all fines and fees remain on the account, and it can be blocked until paid off.

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