Policy Type
Hedberg Public Library provides public meeting spaces at no charge during regular hours of operation as one way to create a welcoming atmosphere for library users and the variety of community groups that need places to gather.
Meeting space use:
- is available to individuals and groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, advocacy, civic, religious, or political activities regardless of their beliefs or affiliations
- may include activities, discussions, or presentations of content that other individuals or groups consider unorthodox, unpopular, uncomfortable, controversial, or incorrect
- does not mean the library or its staff advocate for or endorse the meeting’s content, group, or organization
- cannot be accompanied by use of the library logo or contact information in a group’s promotional materials or display of promotional materials inside library
- can be rescinded at the discretion of the Library Director or library staff for individuals or groups that do not comply with the library’s Public Code of Behavior or this policy
- can be cancelled or transferred to another space by library staff when that space is needed for a library sponsored/co-sponsored activity
- The spaces include seven study rooms on the upper level, the Friends Community Room on the lower level, the Program Room on the upper level, and the Woodruff Room on the upper level. Capacities vary from 1 to 134 people. Those wishing to use public meeting spaces shall follow library booking procedures and work with library staff to book an appropriate space to fit their needs. Users may reserve the Program Room or Woodruff Room between one week and one month before a planned need. All other rooms may be reserved up to six months in advance.
Prohibited uses include:
- Private social functions such as showers or birthday parties
- Sale, advertising, or promotion of products or services
- Solicitation of donations or related fundraising activities
- Any purpose which may disrupt normal use of the library
- Gatherings that charge an entrance or registration fee
- Gatherings involving cooking, alcohol, or use of flammable materials
The library does not provide storage space or guarantee safety of items left unattended in meeting spaces. The library does not post flyers or advertise for non-library sponsored events held within the library.
Individuals and groups using public meeting spaces are responsible for any loss or damage to library property and will be assessed the cost of any necessary repairs or extensive cleanup.